In some cases, dental implant placement in the upper jaw can be a little more complex than simply placing the implant into the jaw. In the back of the upper jaw, the maxillary sinus, which is filled with air, may need to be “augmented” – or bone added before dental implants can be placed. There are times that the implants can be placed at the same time as the sinus augmentation, as well.
The traditional way of treating this involves making a hole through the side of the upper jawbone and adding bone through the hole, underneath the lining (or membrane) of the sinus. This then had to heal for a minimum of six months before dental implants could be placed.

As time has progressed, so has surgical technology! We can now place dental implants oftentimes at the same time as the sinus lift with a very minimally invasive procedure. Many times, without sutures and only through the small hole into which the dental implant is placed, using Versah technology and equipment, our doctors can perform many sinus augmentations without more involved procedures. This technology works by pushing bone under the sinus lining at the same time the hole is being made for the dental implant. Using hydraulic force, the sinus lining can be “lifted” to allow for dental implant placement. Healing is usually 3-6 months, as opposed to traditional techniques that may take up to a year of healing.
Versah Procedure Diagram